OCDI-JOPCA Joint Seminar on the World Movement surrounding the port sector held on October 11, 2018

On October 11th, 2018, the said Seminar was held, in which 5 former secretaries and 2 former JICA experts presented port-related topics of the countries where they had been stationed. More than 100 participants took part in the Seminar which was a great success.


Opening address by Mr. Akira Koyama, Senior Executive Director, OCDI


Greeting by Mr. Satoru Uozumi, Director, Industrial Port Policy Division, PHB, MLIT

Topic 1: Transportation and Tourism between Japan and Canada by Mr. Tatsuya Nagayama, Safety and Disaster Prevention Officer to the Director for Transport Safety, Minister's Secretariat, MLIT (former first secretary of the Japanese Embassy at Canada)

Topic 2: Retrospect of the days at New Zealand Embassy; Mr. Atsushi Suto, International Policy Coordinator, International Policy Division, Policy Bureau, MLIT (former first secretary of the Japanese Embassy at New Zealand)

Topic 3: Present situation of Egypt, Mr. Yuji Toyama, Director, Planning and coordination Division, Nagoya Port Office, Chubu Region Development Bureau, MLIT (former second secretary of the Japanese Embassy at Egypt)

Topic 4: Infra and Tourism Business in Cambodia; Mr. Taizo Chiba, Deputy Director, Kinki Region Coastal Disaster Prevention Center, Kinki Region Development Bureau, MLIT(former second secretary of the Japanese Embassy at Cambodia)

Topic 5: Japanese Cooperation to Cambodia in Transport and Logistics Fields and Activities of JICA Expert, Mr. Hidetoshi Kume, Director, The Japan Harbor Transportation Association(former JICA Expert: Transport Policy Advisor to Cambodia)

Topic 6: Mexico Outlook; Mr. Kota Yamamoto, Chief, Port Planning Research Office, Port Research Department, PARI, MLIT (former first secretary of the Japanese Embassy at Mexico)

Topic 7: Myanmar Ports and Water Transport, Now and Tomorrow, Mr. Daishi Yamamoto, Director, Construction Planning Office, Engineering Planning Division, PHB, MLIT(former JICA Expert: Transport Policy Advisor to Myanmar)